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6 Point spend starting stats

This is to make it simple and easy for all as I've noticed in many D&D and star wars systems they are a little bit over complicated. In this system ALL stats start at a baseline 10 and you get 6 stat points to spend to up stats to work to your chosen strengths. the max your stat score can go is 46 as you level up, after that it starts to become an epic level game. 
Below you will find what your basic starting stats will be at base level 1. All skill checks use a 1d20 and the basic is who scores highest wins. If you roll a 20 and it's called a natural 20 and normally you will automatically win, That is unless the opponent also rolls a 20 at which point you maybe asked to re-roll or roll an attack roll and you both take damage this will usually be decided by your DM/GM.
This system can be used across any system where you use a dice game system. If you are using it for star wars just replace Magic points for Force points and you are set to go.

How to work out what your stat mod should be.
Stats line with a score of 

0 - 1 = -5

2 - 3 = -4 

4 - 5 = -3

6 - 7 = -2

8 - 9 = -1
10 - 11 = 0
12 - 13 = +1
14 - 15 = +2
16 - 17 = +3
18 - 19 = +4
20 - 21 = +5
22 - 23 = +6
24 - 25 = +7
26 - 27 = +8
28 - 29 = +9
30 - 31 = +10
32 - 33 = +11
34 - 35 = +12
36 - 37 = +13
38 - 39 = +14
40 - 41 = +15
42 - 42 = +16
43 - 44 = +17
45 - 46 = +18
This stat + should be applied every time you roll your checks based on the skill and stat line use. So you attack someone you use your STR or DEX depending on the type of skill you are using. For this we will say you are going to hit someone with your fists you would roll a dice lets say a d20 for easy example. so lets say you rolled a d20 and you got a roll score of 10, if you have a stat bonus of 4 that score becomes 14. so you roll the dice for skill checks, save checks and attacks. Attacking rolls get more complex when you start to include the types of weapons you can use. but here we are only covering base stats. Below are what you starting stats are before you take into account a race or class bonus. So check with your DM/GM what those maybe. 


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